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Links, Messageboards, News and Statistics from the world of football.

Goaloo Livescore is the best provider of live scores, results, fixtures and statistics! features real time livescores and results for soccer, basketball, tennis, hockey, baseball and American football games.

It Is My Game

Soccer and Football live score and match results from all global matches.

Kickoff Football Tips

Kickoff offers accurate football tips and statistics. Stay updated with the latest football news.

Live Scores

Live football results and statistics from the major leagues.

Unique football graphs for the Premier League

PureFooty is a football fan site that allows you to view the Premier League using graphs, instead of tables, so you can see team progress throughout the season.

Premier League results

Results from England football since 1888, previews and statistics.

A computer soccer team ranking system with statistics.

Premier League Stats

Detailed Premier league stats and information. Details for last 10 seasons.

ScoresZilla Livescore

Covers more than 25 sports especially focusing on popular soccer leagues: Premiership, Bundesliga, Primera, Serie A and much more.

Simple Soccer Stats

Unique, quick, concise football stats. Nothing like it on the net. Corners, Cards, Overs and tips as well and only load one page.

Soccer Stats, a resource for UK football statistics.

Soccerbase- huge database for every club in the UK.

Soccerbase covers near enough every statistic you could wish for - career player appearances, season by season appearances, latest transfers. head to head section, team line ups. Site updated every 15 minutes.

Soccer Stats

Soccer statistics and results from top competitions around the world. Check soccer league data, team statistics, player statistics and top trends, win statistics and average number of goals.

World Football

Football fixtures, stats and results from every professional league around the world.

Allsoccerplayers – database of football statistics

The database of soccer statistics: information about players, matches and football tournaments worldwide. Detailed player and club records.

EPL Statistics

The place where you will find basic statistics about ever exciting 38 [matches] * 20 [teams] / 2 [teams/match] = 380 English Premier League matches every season. Football is not just about numbers, but we intend not to ignore them.

National football teams of Europe, international matches history

Football results database, match reports for all internationals of European national football teams.

European Football Statistics

Attendances for more than 80 leagues, European Club Ranking, top scorers, squad of the month, monthly specials and much more...

Euro Rivals European Football

Statistics for 53 UEFA national leagues and news feeds for the top-level European clubs and players.

English football stats since 1871, quizzes and tens of thousands of programmes for sale mostly at 50p each.

Footy Stats – National League

Footy Stats offer detailed statistics of National League matches throughout the season.

Football statistics – football tables

Football tables, matches, results, fixtures, analyses and statistics of the strongest leagues in the world.

Livescore XML feeds and sport video feeds. Provides you with high quality sport data feeds.

Live soccer scores

Live football results, covering all UK domestic and international fixtures.

European Football History Database

Details of all the matches of European national football teams 1872-1930

Football Live Scores

Football live scores with personalization and sound goal alerts.

Football prediction software and statistics

Football encyclopedia including information on players and teams from the English Premier League and others. Predicting upcoming games results and squads.

An historical results and match predictions service. Get insights into upcoming matches.